F*ck The

One change in the algorithm can destroy years of your hard work
We help creators & entrepreneurs make money on their own, so
no algorithm can hurt them.

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trusted by epic ❤️ creators:

Last Updated: October 19th, 2024
(~2 days ago)

You are being

Endless engagement
is not for you. It's for them.

You spend 3 hours engaging.
You get 30 likes. They get $300.

Your audience is not yours. It's theirs.

You spend 5 years to build a 5M audience.
An idiot "support expert" (or worse – AI) bans
you & steals your audience in 5 seconds.

Ad revenue is a just a bribe. It's for them.

You spend 100 months practicing & 100 hours
. You get 1,000 views and make $10.
They also make $10. (but work 0 hours)

The worst part?

Platforms profit from you not having money skills.

  • YouTube

    $31,5 billion in advertising revenue in 2023. Takes 1-3 years to add critical features for creators.

  • TikTok

    $10B+ valuation. Closed the Creator Fund. Notorious for million-view videos making less than $100.

  • Instagram

    Projected $71B advertising revenue by the end of 2024. The lower organic reach network with the most ads.

  • Twitter/X

    Sold for $44B in 2022. Algorithm optimized to 'amplify anger'. Educational content gets little to no reach.

  • Medium

    $1B+ in valuation. Expected to be profitable in 2024… after silently cutting creator payouts by over 75%.

  • LinkedIn

    Over $15B in revenue. Plagued by bad UX and bad AI – from AI generated "community" articles to horrible notifications.

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So… is social media evil?


Social media companies aren't "evil", they're running a business. And so should you.

(okay… social media is – technically – evil but let's not think too much how the creator economy is training us to be feed-lovin', dopamine-addicted, doomscroll monkeys 🤷‍♂️)


Being a creator is the best way to spend your days. It's as if self-expression and freedom had a baby and it looked like Ryan Reynolds.

And social media is f*cking amazing. The ability to get anyone's voice heard by… everyone online?! Yes, thank you.

But there is another part of content that gets every creator's skin crawl.

Take a deep breath & bite on a pillow. I'll say some "bad" words.

→ Sales
→ Getting paid for your work
→ Asking your audience for money

Still here?

Phew. Those do scare off too many creators.

(& they end up working 16-hours days, never see their friends & family, and burn out faster than they can say "the algo sucks" . . . But, hey! They don't work a 9-5! Yay?)

I get it. "Running a business" is not what you signed for.

But running a business is what you need.

Because – and this is important – you will never be truly free if you depend on an algorithm.

You should depend on:

• Your owned audience
• Your own platform
• Your own sales

Once you have that – algorithms are just a nice bonus. Free advertising for your awesomeness.

But the business part is not optional.

And my partner Diana and I (hi, Jordan here, writing this 👋) left our corporate jobs because we want to help you build one.

(and, yes, we were bored out of our minds working for tight-ass old businesses & wanted to help the new wave of smaller, better, and – let's face it – much cooler, creator businesses)

Your Royal Invitation

Sure, I go on explaining why we're amazing (and we are*) but I'd rather show you.
*who isn't amazing on their own website?

Click the button below, type your deets, and I'll send you some of the most unique emails you've seen. Yes, sales emails that you will want to read.
(and, yes, show you that you don't have to be a sleazy asshat to make money)

Get our emails

But why trust us?

People have enough. Enough ideas. Enough videos. Enough everything. Trust is the only reason you should work with anyone in 2024.


Our special shameless bragging™ approach (below) might be a good start but to really trust us, you'll need more. So get our emails already:

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People. Leadership. Sales.

Diana Parker

Diana is the badass yet empathic boss 'round here. (Seriously, everyone loves her.)

She lives to help people and see them win. She's the biggest fan of our clients… and the first person to kick their ass if they're not doing what they know they should. (No idea how but people thank her after 🤷‍♂️)

  • Diana spent 15 years of her life as leader. From managing projects to being everyone's favorite CEO.
  • She spent 4 years in sales selling high ticket* IT solutions.
    *high-ticket as in she sold projects for $1M+ exclusively
  • Worked on top secret projects (really). She didn't give me details because NDA but she led a $30M international EU project when she was 23.
  • Got sponsored by ESL because of one viral rant about "Games aren't bad" she published in a local newsletter.
  • The biggest team she led was of 105 people. They had the best customer feedback of the 1,500 people in the company.
  • Diana loves dogs too much. Not likes, loves. She will completely ignore her brand & post dog pictures every time I'm not looking.
  • A leader's worth is measured by their people. Look at a tiny fraction of the Diana love from ONE client:
    Note: Lessa said only said "fuck" 83 times in her 18,013 messages – most were compliments for Diana. (Yes, I'm absolutely jealous)

    "Diana is so fucking cool"
    "ok you broke me."
    "i love you. seriously. NOTHING of all of that would have been possible without you. Not a freaking thing."

  • Jordan Parker

    Jordan is the overly-logical brains behind the operation.
    (yes, I'm mine in the 3rd person – it's fancier)

    He's obsessed with applied game design & using it to create stupidly addictive experiences that people can't help but say "shit . . ." (with the long pause after) once they've experienced them.

    • Jordan spent 15 years of his life as a software engineer. From a wee beginner to calling the shots for teams of 100s of people.
    • 10 of those years he spent on game design & game development.
      (Yes, that's too many hours in front of a screen)
    • His last tech consulting "boring" client made north of $2.1 Billion in profit in 2023. (that's 100% me, of course Jordan's work helped them cut $100M+ in costs that year)
    • Has the best Roadrunner Cull you'll never see.
      (it is invisible 🤷‍♂️)
    • Plays with tech for fun. Wild. Was into AR and AI back in 2012. Knows how magical "algorithms" actually work.
    • Uses TOO MANY DAMN PUNS. (Clearly, he's compunsating for something…)
  • "Any funnel building, tech, or tracking stuff, I go straight to him now."

    My business was a mess. No tracking, no real funnel. I was impressed with his level of knowledge, his commitment to excellent service, and his super friendly attitude (I ask a lot of questions and he was happy to answer everything!). Any funnel building, tech, or tracking stuff, I go straight to him now.

  • Game Design. Tech. Funnels.

    Basically, we know a thing or two about making you money.

    Together we have over 30 years of business experience & a long list of achievements (they actually are "cool" in enterprise, pinky promise)

    $980M+porojects delivered

    57Fortune 500 clients

    $150M+Profit generated

    Businesses we worked with:


    The answer to "WTF do you actually do?!"

    We can build your next product hands-free.

    Perfect if you don't have the time to build your own thing.

    Simple process:

    1) Diana downloads your brain.
    2) Jordan builds the Notion Template you always dreamed of.
    3) You sell your template to your audience.

    And, no, it doesn't have to be in Notion, specifically. Most nocode tools are a-okay.

    Get your next product:

    Get Started

    "Jordan’s skills with Notion can only be described as pure techno wizard magic, blending in coding and UX design in a way that makes databases, internal widgets to speed up workflow, and overall task management a breeze."

    Jose Rivera

    Here are some ideas:

    • The Classic

      Get your own Content Calendar.

      Sure, everyone has their content calendar. But yours will be better?

      Note: Realistically it's just going to be different. And that's okay – some people will prefer your calendar – you can help them & make fantastic sales.

    • The CEO

      Get your own Project Management.

      If you're already using Notion, it makes 0 sense to pay for Asana, Monday, Trello, Younameit as well.

      Note: Yes, absolutely the same could be said about fancy CRMs and other enterprise tools. You will have a much easier time with a simple version in Notion in a tiny team.

    • The Wizard

      Get your own Custom Template.

      Ever tried explaining your process to someone?

      We can a process you already do… and make it actually easy. So easy, granma could do it.
      "Norton? Who's that Norton, dear?"

    Or maybe . . .

    We can help sell your product.

    "Building Funnels" is so overused, it means very little now.
    What we do is create "stupidly addictive experiences".

    If you want to make "f*ck the algorithm money" …

    🚫 You can't just slap a sales page together. Or write 5 "banger" emails. It doesn't work.

    ✅ Instead, you need intimately understand your audience. Find out what they really need, and really help them – only then you win. (you both win)

    Get people addicted to buying your stuff:

    Get Started

    "Jordan is the master of funnels. The tech stack, the insights, the tracking, but most importantly the strategies he uses are your one way ticket to make money while you sleep."

    Parker Worth

    Here's how that works:

    • I. Understand

      Figure out what's actually wrong.

      No one will pay you money unless you solve a real problem. No matter how passionate you are about it.

      We help you ask the right questions so you find the real problems of your audience (& the market).

    • II. Position

      Reach is down on every social platform. And it's only going to get worse.

      The only way you can make the economics of your business work is to stand the f*ck out. It's not optional.

      Note: No, that doesn't mean you have to swear – that's just me 😅

    • III. Improve


      That's the number of people who can make a perfect funnel in one go.
      (or anything, really)

      So we will never "funnel & ghost" you. We build, then improve to get you the best possible results.

    Not that either? Hmmmm…

    Then maybe . . .

    We can help level up your team.

    This is our B2B offer btw.

    We have quite a few friend companies who we worked with in the past decade. Because they can't shut up about how awesome we are, I'm adding this section.

    In a limited capacity, we can help with:

    → Brand & Positioning Consulting
    → Standing Out on YouTube & LinkedIn
    → Applied Game Design Consulting
    → Landing Page De-Bland-ification

    Use the magical button portal below to get started:

    Get In Touch

    "My clients were so happy with how all of the processes, systems, and automations worked, because they made their lives easier."

    Matthew Timlin
    CEO, Ninety West Digital